
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10,10

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

Evidence | Conversion

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Štefan Patrik Kováč

God touched my life

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Since that meeting with my best Friend I have been able to understand more of life. I have been not running away from problems and obstacles any more but I have tried to solve them. Since that point God has opened myself to other people: I have been really hungry of people: I wanted to meet them, speak to them, I wanted to live the real life, not the life in my dreams and built in my thoughts only. When I say real, then I mean real: also with the problems, because there have not been less proble ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 769x, currently 2.98 points, displayed 15034x od 09. 07. 2012.

Vlasta a Dušan Maceškovi

They went through Israel, Alfa until they ended up in Jesus´s heart

Vlasta a Dušan Maceškovi

Travelling round the world is their hobby, they´ve been almost to every place in the world but they haven´t visited Israel yet.And so they are the only ones among the other pilgrims who aren´t interested in Jesus´s traces.However, only until the moment when they start to get acquainted with the life and places of our Saviour… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1491x, currently 2.99 points, displayed 31650x od 31. 03. 2011.

převzato od P.Eliase Velly

I didn´t know I needed the conversion

převzato od P.Eliase Velly

I preached, carried out my priesthood duties diligently.And like this I supposed I was with Him.It has never crossed my mind that I needed to be fully converted.They started to pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon me.However, I thought I had it all.But I didn´t have anything.I spoke about the Spirit but I haven´t encountered the Spirit yet. I taught about Christ but I haven´t really met Christ. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1260x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 24337x od 06. 02. 2011.

Simona Černochová

The testimony of the mummy

Simona Černochová

On the second day in the evening the same words can be heard in her heart:“Ask, ask….!“ The mummy gets over the shyness and she considers herself to be a fool when she whispers in the darkness „My Lord, if you exist and if you like me let me experience it.“ read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1639x, currently 2.99 points, displayed 28144x od 12. 08. 2010.

Společenství pro Ježíše

The priest – exorcist.I can´t live without Medjugoria

Společenství pro Ježíše

I understood she was possessed and the demon influenced us very strongly through her. I asked five pious parishers to pray during my ritual of exorcism over? this person.And while I was reading the usual and traditional prayers of exorcism, Satan mocked at me.He spoke English.He degraded me and ridiculed me. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1436x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 41494x od 04. 08. 2010.

Blanka Podestátová

Thank you….AD 2007

Blanka Podestátová

Thalét from Miletus is said to observe the starry sky when he walked and at the same time he fell in the well for water.The servant saw it and laughed at him.The laugh of this servant can be heard during the history of mankind.It´s the laugh of people who don´t look up.They´ve sorted out all their problems and are quick at repartee.They think to give right opinion on everything and like to judge.They´re managers of their lives.It´s impossible for them to be touched by the stars in the sky and th ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1521x, currently 3.68 points, displayed 30535x od 27. 07. 2010.

Mirek Huňka

Jesus was simply there

Mirek Huňka

I thought of ending my life after being drunk for 39 days in succesion.I came to the pub, had 12 beers and a litre of vodka,said goodbye to my colleague who´d repeatedly persuaded me to stop drinking and who didn´t understand my behaviour at that moment.She thought I´d bid her farewell and go home… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1274x, currently 3.12 points, displayed 25692x od 08. 05. 2010.

Ludmila Kohlová

God cured me

Ludmila Kohlová

I had a strange dream.Suddenly I found myself at the end of the big crowd.In front there was a figure.It was one but simultaneously they were three of them.It was glaring and radiating enormous infinite love that….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1226x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 22641x od 19. 04. 2010.

Společenství pro Ježíše

The testimony from Haiti

Společenství pro Ježíše

When the pastor Joseph came to the microphone and started with introductory prayer, Haitians stood with their hands put up towards the sky and called desperately to God Almighty to forgive them and heal their land.More than one million of people was there.The main square in the centre of the city was packed….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1138x, currently 3.11 points, displayed 19350x od 16. 03. 2010.

Ludvík Šojdr

Satan – stark naked

Ludvík Šojdr

During this experience I realized that this is just the situation that Satan or his servants demons don´t wish to happen at all.That in fact he´s recognized.That the whole disgust, of which he is the carrier, is completely uncovered before all the present people. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1983x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 42993x od 14. 03. 2010.

Markéta Herková

He was shining like the sun!

Markéta Herková

On that evening I lay down to my brother´s bed, was awake, was lying on my back and looking at the dark ceiling.I was pretty down in the dumps.I remember communicating mentally with someone but don´t know anymore what it was about.I remember telling someone ( I didn´t believe in Jesus ) :”Reveal yourself to me.!” At that moment a beautiful and dazzlingly shining figure appeared above me…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1371x, currently 3.16 points, displayed 24497x od 05. 02. 2010.

Lydia  Smílková

I hoped even though I was ill

Lydia Smílková

After a few months of disease I heard those words many people were so afraid of:“You are seriously ill.You´ve got a scarce tumour whose cause and treatment have been unknown so far.We´ll have a try at irradiating you and giving you chemotherapy.The prognosis is uncertain – you may also have only several weeks of life.I thought it all couldn´t have been true. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1122x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 18737x od 09. 06. 2009.

Ludvík Šojdr

Even in politics God can do only what we allow him

Ludvík Šojdr

In a way politics concern me more than anyone else and that´s why I do care about how much room the only parliamentary Christian party in this country gives to God.So, I had a try at telling publicly my opinion and testimony to some members of KDU-CSL party before the pre-election congress in Vsetín…… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1311x, currently 3.14 points, displayed 20568x od 01. 06. 2009.

Radim Passer

The confession of the successful businessman

Radim Passer

On Sunday morning August 2, 1998 I telephoned the hospital again.I introduced myself as usual but the nurse suddenly told me she would call the doctor.My heart started pounding.In a while, the doctor spoke to me on the phone:“Mr.Passer, I´m profoundly sorry but your little one´s died at 3.45 a.m.“ I was feeling as if a dagger had been stabed deep into my heart I was creeping across my flat to tell my wife what she´d already suspected… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1234x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 23211x od 12. 03. 2009.

Ludvík Šojdr

The desert and the temptation

Ludvík Šojdr

He´s repeatedly offered me a payment of one hundred thousand crowns if I turn a blind eye to his credit transactions during my real property valuations .Of course, it´d have been done in such a way that if something went wrong I´d be able to vindicate myself.There wasn´t any problem,mistake or fraud from my professional view.Nobody will ever hear that I´ve got my payment.Clean money.A hundred thousand.How often do you get such an offer? In addition, in such a difficult situation in which our off ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1308x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 22689x od 14. 02. 2009.

gabriela  sykorova hyllova

My life

gabriela sykorova hyllova

One day I told God: “I don´t know if my smoking is a bad thing, but if you don´t like it take it away from me, please.I can´t manage it by myself.I stopped smoking from day to day…..without going cold turkey, without putting on weight….miraculously. My life became miraculous because I knew there was Someone standing by me who´d loved me unconditionally and protected me.I experienced a few healings, for instance when…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1291x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 21701x od 26. 01. 2009.

Tinka Hyllova

From anarchy to agape

Tinka Hyllova

I was waiting for the Lord.When I entered the water, I felt a nice stroke and the sun was shining right at me.It was so marvellous…There were so many things that weren´t solved in my life.The piercing in my nose and mouth.I made it by myself as a protest against my parents when I was fifteen.I also pierced my eyebrows and navel.When I went home I always took these piercings away so that my parents shouldn´t see them. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1488x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 23283x od 25. 01. 2009.

Viktorie Viktorie

I fell in love with the old atheist man

Viktorie Viktorie

When I was 18, I was dissatisfied with myself and with my life.I thought I was utterly useless,incapable and ugly.I thought nobody was interested in being my friend.I was also disillusioned that the most of my friends and classmates had boyfriends and I didn´t.Who would care about me? Who would care about such a plain girl that is no good laugh. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1785x, currently 2.99 points, displayed 29338x od 03. 01. 2009.

Donald   Calloway

I was a hopeless case

Donald Calloway

Every night I slept with a different chick and I got all the immaginable experiences of the sinnful life.I ran away from home and my friend and I started committing grave crimes.We stole motorbikes and cars, enormous sums of money during the bank hold-ups and we even became mixed up with the Japanese mafia´s intrigues. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1541x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 22901x od 06. 09. 2008.

Zuzana Trčková

I believed

Zuzana Trčková

As soon as we´ve confessed to God that we believed in Him it was said how we should behave….That we should try to make up for injustices which sometimes we´d done someone….Make our apologies… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1212x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 18492x od 15. 07. 2008.

Andrea Hýblová

We´ve found each other and stayed together

Andrea Hýblová

When we decided in favour of this concrete relationship we´ve had to keep investing all our energy in it ( for all our life ), otherwise we wouldn´t have a happy marriage.And pray for it every day. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1131x, currently 2.89 points, displayed 16984x od 01. 05. 2008.

Barbora Polášková

Looking for myself

Barbora Polášková

For all my life I was tolerant of all the religions, doctrines, philosophical movements because I was looking for myself.When I was adolescent I dallied with the magic, wiccanism, raising spirits and tarot… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1185x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 18373x od 19. 03. 2008.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Two ways and the struggle for my soul

Štefan Patrik Kováč

You´re in the army and the enemy is prepared – and you?Let him not take you by surprise.How can you fight in the best way? That you die first and you´ll let Christ Commander and King fight within you.Then you can´t loose.You can loose single battles when you aren´t perfect but the final victory is yours.However, it´s an everyday dying to yourself and getting up with Jesus. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1236x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 17297x od 03. 12. 2007.

Richard Čanaky

The real meaning of life

Richard Čanaky

The music didn´t become my hideout but something like a terrace, a roof from which I can cry and speak about what God´s done for me.I know Christianity isn´t a rose fairy story but the true reality that is worth living. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1267x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 31077x od 17. 11. 2007.

Blanka Sedláčková

The enemy to myself

Blanka Sedláčková

I´ve troubled by the bulimia ( the compulsive appetite ) for long years.I didn´t hesitate to eat three plates of soup and ten sandwiches.Then I vomited it all and was again on the lookout for some new food. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1170x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 18958x od 19. 10. 2007.

Stanislav Macák

From Buddha to Jesus

Stanislav Macák

And then it happened.I don´t know how but out of the blue some flame came down to the flame of the candle and it was enormous.It was about fifty cm tall, approximately two or three cm broad…..This flame covered all the candle.I was scared out of my wits because the flame went with some roar….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1246x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 19969x od 30. 08. 2007.

MUDr. Emília Vlčková

The testimony of the former homoeopath

MUDr. Emília Vlčková

The trainers are using pseudoscientific formulations….the vital energy….The doctors who absorb the homoeopathy, Chinese medicine, and things like that can easily get into the snares the of occultism.They gradually change their views they can´t so easily free themselves from …. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2134x, currently 3.18 points, displayed 43320x od 07. 08. 2007.

Jan Boštík

Unforgettable encounter with Jesus

Jan Boštík

I hit the surface without any control, at once I broke the fourth,the fifth and the sixth cervical vertebra and damaged my spinal cord.I became paralysed in a sec and was unable to move any part of my body. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1533x, currently 2.99 points, displayed 28248x od 30. 06. 2007.

Ondřej Rozkopal


Ondřej Rozkopal

In the morning I got up and went to school, in the evening I took a couple of hits and went to bed. I also became dependent on the masturbation. I tested various substances, LSO too and when I´d used it several times, I began to have nightmares read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1549x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 25675x od 28. 04. 2007.

Vlaďa Hrušková

I used to be a drug addict

Vlaďa Hrušková

I often reproached God blasphemously for having created me and then left me at the mercy of my own imperfection and human silliness.I found my true personality in anarchism and punk lyrics.“Why search for the truth when there is just the only one and that is the fact that there is no truth at all!“ it was the motto of my painful life read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1288x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 22884x od 06. 04. 2007.

Martin Rolný

I was cured of the addiction

Martin Rolný

I lead a dissolute life, drank a lot and smoked marihuana.I ended up in the lunatic asylum.I think I´ll make God the happiest when I give him my sins and I´ll live a good life. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1134x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 19941x od 08. 03. 2007.

Iveta Miklošková

What did the courses Alfa mean in my life?

Iveta Miklošková

The life with my husband appeared to be a complete life mistake.The faith was completely unacceptable for him and he refused flatly my new life approach but at the same time I knew I couldn´t leave him if only for the reason that we had children and so, I suffered much more than before. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1424x, currently 2.85 points, displayed 23906x od 25. 01. 2007.

Jiřina Ploháková

I used to be a herbdoctor

Jiřina Ploháková

I started working as a herbdoctor.This kind of work was satisfying and I became well off.My clientele grew and spread not only across the Czech Republic but also abroad.I was convinced my treatment worked….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1313x, currently 2.99 points, displayed 22909x od 30. 11. 2006.

Jiří Zmožek

The beginning of the new life

Jiří Zmožek

He was called the King of the good mood.Suddenly there was a collapse and Jiří Zmožek´s life came to grief.Hospital, suicidal thoughts – the faith in God was a way-out for him.He is said to be born again and to have started a new lease of life a few years ago…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1116x, currently 3 points, displayed 19506x od 13. 11. 2006.

Tomáš Smítal

How I believed

Tomáš Smítal

But I was taken aback by one thing.By the fact that I was feeling there differently.There was something I hadn´t known.Nowdays I know it was God´s love. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1254x, currently 2.96 points, displayed 20742x od 07. 11. 2006.

Lenka Petraturová

Testimony of the conversion

Lenka Petraturová

I started thinking about Christianity but then I quickly drove this thought away because my pride was considerably injured.Could I have gone back to what I´d rejected long ago? This return´d have been very humiliating and in addition to that I was afraid of not been accepted by other Christians. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1076x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 16814x od 20. 07. 2006.

Stanislav Macák

The liberation

Stanislav Macák

The devil walked around me, woke me by horrific dreams at three a.m.which stopped after the confession.Since then my recovery´d taken more than seven months.Finally I managed to get rid of him ( April 2004 ). read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1306x, currently 3.05 points, displayed 22882x od 28. 02. 2006.

Eliška Opravilová

I came to ALFA as an atheist

Eliška Opravilová

…definitely a huge change happened in my life because suddenly an atheist who´s still looking for the sense and solutions to lots of issues has become a believer. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2007x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 41750x od 04. 01. 2006.

Michaela Procházková

THE COURSE ALFA – a step forward in my life

Michaela Procházková

The whole situation culminated when I was at the weekend ALFA meeting in Velehrad. I had the possibility to experience all these things with my daughter.I´d have never believed that we´d ever experience together something like this. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2113x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 42212x od 04. 01. 2006.

Anička Kryzstková

I missed a life partner

Anička Kryzstková

….If I experienced so powerful intervention of Jesus, then anybody can experience it as well.Even You.Give your problem to Jesus or the best thing would be to hand him over all your life straight away.There isn´t a better Lord than the one who created you and loves you so much he gave his life for you…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1558x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 29216x od 08. 12. 2005.

Ondřej Skuhravý

How I was rescued – the exhaustive evidence

Ondřej Skuhravý

….only after four years of suffering,pain and incessant attacks I understood what had disappointed me so much and how awefully I was deceived by devil…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1378x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 24507x od 04. 11. 2005.

Iveta Chmelařová

Through the course Alfa towards Jesus

Iveta Chmelařová

I worked out my own horoscope, was able to find out according to my name and date of birth what my life´d be like.I was mesmerized by fortune-telling from cards.Everything was logical and peaces of the puzzle fitted into each other.I wasn´t absolutely aware of how terrible those things are… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2269x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 49256x od 22. 06. 2005.

Lubka Tencerova

The beginning of the beginning

Lubka Tencerova

When I was fifteen my friend died of leukaemia and so I wasn´t feeling well mentally.The fits of panic started to manifest themselves.I don´t know if any of You knows about it.It went away but recurred every winter.I grew terribly thinner, didn´t eat for five days and just trembled….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1100x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 19567x od 06. 10. 2004.

Under the yoke of occultism

Zdeňka Zelená

Suicidal thougths were coming to my mind.When I walked around the river something whispered to me: jump into the water and you´ll be free. When a lorry passed by I was tempted to it. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2427x, currently 3.15 points, displayed 69130x od 30. 06. 2004.

Petr Šabek

Jesus´s found me in the prison

Petr Šabek

….And as it´s usual in the prison I started being interested in the occult, various meditations and fortune-telling until I´d once got where I shouldn´t get and I was completely bewildered by it.Jesus Christ started doing his work…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1031x, currently 3.01 points, displayed 17457x od 07. 06. 2004.

Lenka Grymová

Jesus opened the door of my heart

Lenka Grymová

And Jesus came again.This time the joy´s run through all my body.The joy of the fact that Jesus will again stay in my heart.Love – Jesus opened the door of my heart. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2114x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 45276x od 24. 05. 2004.

Hana Bartozelová

Jesus asked me for forgiveness

Hana Bartozelová

Jesus adresses me asked me for forgiveness and I couldn`t understand that God loves me so much.Out of the blue I`ve seen my horrible misery what I`m like and how I`m living…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2100x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 46654x od 27. 02. 2004.

Martin Kapko

Fear of death has turned into the joy of the eternal life

Martin Kapko

At that moment He himself appeared.I´ve seen Jesus as the light in the darkness.He was full of peace and kindness.He himself amswered my question:“Believe in me and you´ll have eternal life. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1251x, currently 3.08 points, displayed 18196x od 18. 12. 2003.

Miloš Popp

I was out of my body

Miloš Popp

I started shouting: Jesus, Jesus, take me away from here. After a few seconds, I had a feeling as if I were sucked back into my body. I haven´t even touched the meditations since….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1174x, currently 2.9 points, displayed 22493x od 16. 12. 2003.

Dana Nosálková

My conversion

Dana Nosálková

…I found myself right at the zebra crossing when suddenly there was “a vacuum“.The street and perhaps all the universe became silent and all I perceived was the mysterious voice in my heart that reverse my life into the completely different direction… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1077x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 16340x od 05. 07. 2003.

Marek Kolouch

Drugs attracted me

Marek Kolouch

Then my parents went on holiday.My bunch and I moved into our apartment and in addition, I invited two drug makers.They were producing both pervitin and opiates.But you know what happened? My mum returned from her holiday a day earlier… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1078x, currently 2.96 points, displayed 21377x od 12. 06. 2003.

Táňa Šebestová

Another daddy

Táňa Šebestová

Dear friends, I´d like to share with you how I came to believe in Jesus Christ and how He changed my life.Ever since I was a child I´d been growing up in the infant institute and then ended up at my parents but I went through bad times there – they quarrelled every day.My father beat my mother because she slept around with other men.We were also reduced to poverty and there was often nothing to eat. No wonder that the social welfare office took me away from my parents and since I was seven I´d ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1146x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 18782x od 12. 06. 2003.

Táňa Šebestová

God´s home for a homeless person

Táňa Šebestová

The person who God created to his image lived like a mere animal and also behaved in this way.She was persecuted by people ( once they even poured petrol over her and wanted to set her on fire ) and that´s why she was rather distrustful and taciturn but she was very precious and loved for God. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1120x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 18991x od 11. 06. 2003.

Anna Vavřinová

Where is your heart?

Anna Vavřinová

I took other people´s advice how to revive my faith but it was pointless.Only when I surrendered over to the hands of Jesus my life and the life of all those who were given to me the miracles started happening all at once.It ocurred on Palm Sunday in 1996 during my silent personal prayer. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1199x, currently 3.01 points, displayed 20505x od 02. 06. 2003.

Branislav Kováčik

Freed from the drug slavery

Branislav Kováčik

My friends began dying one after another. I knew sooner or later it´d my turn but I was indifferent to my fate because I was unable to immagine my life without drugs. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1318x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 22265x od 30. 05. 2003.

Monika Raszyková

I´ve loved black metal

Monika Raszyková

So heavy metal.Great, nothing against it.I´m just saying it´s a good devil´s instrument.Am I a fool?No, I´m not.I found it out in my life.At the beginning there was a kind of flashing as well. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2754x, currently 2.96 points, displayed 84929x od 26. 04. 2003.

Stanislav Štrunc

I hated the Romanies when I was a skinhead

Stanislav Štrunc

I started hating the Romany nation more and more.I abandoned myself to racism and became a skinhead….. . read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2604x, currently 2.84 points, displayed 62886x od 12. 04. 2003.

Martin Kozohorský

At full blast with Jesus

Martin Kozohorský

The life with God means to start living properly.Don´t deal with mediocrity.The life with God means to throw the brick on the gas and leave it there.Only with God you can get the best out of your life!.. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1033x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 15716x od 11. 04. 2003.

Božena Orlovská

I´m the happiest woman in the world with Jesus

Božena Orlovská

The Holy Spirit´d brought about all these things and he came into my life in fullness when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and asked Him to be my Lord.My soul started to abound with peace that the world doesn´t know read the whole testimony »

Valuated 997x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 15215x od 21. 03. 2003.

Radim Bohdálek

My life was heavy metal

Radim Bohdálek

At a concert of the Brno band Root I cried with the singer:“Oh,Satan you ruler of the whole world,my love for you is as strong as a rock…”somewhere else I sent Christians with Jesus packing… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2732x, currently 3.09 points, displayed 61559x od 12. 03. 2003.

Naděžda Anežka

Jesus´s come through the painful loss

Naděžda Anežka

…How immeasurable is Jesus´s love, kindness and mercy.How unspeakable joy and the grace of knowledge. I´m loved by Someone who wants to bring love, joy and happiness… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1000x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 13197x od 09. 03. 2003.

Hanna Nowak

I´ve found Jesus only as a sinner

Hanna Nowak

….For the first time I´ve known myself as an awful sinner and for the first time found out that all my efforts were pointless because nobody but God could change my heart… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 828x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 13236x od 06. 03. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

The path to God´s closeness

Pavla Genzerová

I want to encourage all of You who´d like to enter into the close relationship with God but you simply don´t know how.Actually, it was also my problem… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1308x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 19144x od 11. 02. 2003.

Helena Klíglová

Encounter with the living Jesus is a tremendous experience

Helena Klíglová

….Knowing his great love enabled me to comprehend some things more deeply….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1087x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 19111x od 29. 01. 2003.

Pavel Tříletý

Then I believed and surrendered my life to Jesus

Pavel Tříletý

…And so my life is happier.What I have to do about it is „only“to let God love me…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1101x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 17741x od 29. 01. 2003.

Pavel Tříletý

It´s better to encounter living Jesus

Pavel Tříletý

…I´ve been brought up in faith since my childhood but my faith wasn´t very firm…….this year I´ve taken part in the course Jonathan where I experienced the real encounter with Jesus… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1240x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 22046x od 11. 01. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

God´s waiting for your permission

Pavla Genzerová

…Here I offered all my life to God and He lit up the little light within me that´d hardly shone…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1256x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 21669x od 04. 01. 2003.

Jaroslav Jaroslav

Jesus´s made the first move toward me

Jaroslav Jaroslav

….Erotic movies.I often looked forward to watching Tv undisturbed by my mummy who worked as a doctor on night shift…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1178x, currently 2.89 points, displayed 17868x od 04. 01. 2003.

Jana Kanitrová

I was thinking of the suicide

Jana Kanitrová

….And so, I slowly began to talk about how Jesus had changed my life that was exactly identical to their lives… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1195x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 16532x od 04. 01. 2003.

Gabriela Stenchláková

The light shone in my heart

Gabriela Stenchláková

…..On 1-4-1991 a light shone in my heart.It was the light of knowledge about the meaning of life that only God gives. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1113x, currently 2.86 points, displayed 15652x od 04. 01. 2003.

Jana Kameníková

After the death of our son

Jana Kameníková

….I´ve never heard and experienced so strongly the praises in tongues and the presence of the Holy Spirit.The enormous joy´s remained in my heart. Nowdays I read the Scripture every day and suddenly I perceive the people around me in a different way…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 861x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 20896x od 21. 12. 2002.

My faith was half-hearted

Ivana Holíková

….I read heard prayed but it wasn`t it.It went past me.It wasn`t sincere…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1202x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 23407x od 21. 12. 2002.

Irena Matysíková

I was looking for the truth

Irena Matysíková

I was looking for the truth and God disclosed me his identity… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1085x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 20459x od 21. 12. 2002.

Jesus is the living Lord

Hana Dočkalová

I knew God loves me but I haven´t experienced it anywhere like in that place… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1197x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 20382x od 21. 12. 2002.

Miloslava Zlatušková

Jesus´s changed my life

Miloslava Zlatušková

I was trying to solve the problems of my life in my own way until I met the living Jesus….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 948x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 14255x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marcela Vašíčková

God touched me so much that I burst into tears

Marcela Vašíčková

Then for some time I was searching lots of answers to the questions but the greatest experience that Jesus is living is linked with the film….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 972x, currently 3.15 points, displayed 19536x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marie Utíkalová

Finally, I´ve found Jesus

Marie Utíkalová

…my conversion didn´t happen from day to day but it was a long process that haven´t finished yet.God is able to use any material to make its instrument out of it… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1064x, currently 3.04 points, displayed 15274x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marie Foltýnková

I was deaf but I can hear

Marie Foltýnková

…..Here I got to know God in Holy Spirit who poured these feelings into my heart that I´d never experienced before.I´ve made a new start in life because I was propelled by love, God´s mercy and joy of my own salvation. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1506x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 21259x od 21. 12. 2002.

Helena Juhaňáková

I´ve experienced the living presence of Jesus

Helena Juhaňáková

…..Only God saw into my heart.One evening I told Jesus I was at the end of my tethers. I could feel I was approaching the abyss and asked Him to help me….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1186x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 18980x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marie Blahůšková

God´s help in the severe suffering

Marie Blahůšková

...Poznala jsem úžasný dotek lásky Boží... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1506x, currently 3.23 points, displayed 24997x od 21. 12. 2002.

Lenka Balgová

So little is necessary

Lenka Balgová

Open your heart and let the Lord Jesus come into your life….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1108x, currently 3.04 points, displayed 18902x od 19. 12. 2002.

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