
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
John 10,11

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

Štefan Patrik Kováč

God touched my life

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Since that meeting with my best Friend I have been able to understand more of life. I have been not running away from problems and obstacles any more but I have tried to solve them. Since that point God has opened myself to other people: I have been really hungry of people: I wanted to meet them, speak to them, I wanted to live the real life, not the life in my dreams and built in my thoughts only. When I say real, then I mean real: also with the problems, because there have not been less proble ... read the whole testimony »

jezisPeace with you. My name is Jesus and I want to tell you in this way that I love you and you mean a lot to me. Maybe you don`t believe it right now but this is the whole truth: the whole world`s ruler and creator loves you and takes care of you and your life. Yes, I crave for your friendship. I crave for the mutual, personal relationship between me and you. You`ve got no idea of how much I know you.You`ve got no idea that I know completely everything about your external and internal life to the least detail.This is a precondition for me to love you... read whole »

Ludvík Šojdr

A few words to the tithe

Ludvík Šojdr

Neither Klaus nor Randorf nor Špidla are responsible for the situation around us.Neither the communists nor STB ( translator´s note: Intelligence Agency during the communist period ), nor unsuccessful privatization, nor the church property, which wasn´t returned, are to blame for.It´s only me who is to blame for if I haven´t told God with all my heart: “THY WILL BE DONE“. read the whole testimony »

Jiřina Skálová

The strength of the prayer – the miraculous cures

Jiřina Skálová

One evening I put my boy to bed and sat into my car to be able to talk to you peacefully.I don´t know how long I´ve been driving at that night and praying You, Jesus, the Father and the Mother.I asked for healing of my son.And at a moment I got it.Who´s given me the right to run counter to Your decision.You know best of all what good is for us.My prayer changed… read the whole testimony »

Inka Melzerova

He cures

Inka Melzerova

… more than twenty years have passed since the moment in which the Spirit spoke to me…..during all those years I experienced plenty of cliffhangers, losses, confusion, divorce and my son´s hard drinking…yeah, in those difficult moments there were doubts and apostasy from God but nowdays in spite of the fact that I´m losing my sight and having cardiac troubles because my doctor failed to treat my boreliosis I praise the Lord for disclosing his identity to me and for being so good.I believe he kee ... read the whole testimony »

Ondřej Skuhravý

How I was rescued – the exhaustive evidence

Ondřej Skuhravý

….only after four years of suffering,pain and incessant attacks I understood what had disappointed me so much and how awefully I was deceived by devil…. read the whole testimony »

Lenka Stonišová

He is smiling

Lenka Stonišová

As I was about to appear before the Lord himself, my whole body started trembling without reason.You can´t call it shivers or stage fright, I didn´t perceive my surrounding.I just stand there.So close… read the whole testimony »