
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5,11-12

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They went through Israel, Alfa until they ended up in Jesus´s heart

Vlasta a Dušan Maceškovi

Travelling round the world is their hobby, they´ve been almost to every place in the world but they haven´t visited Israel yet.And so they are the only ones among the other pilgrims who aren´t interested in Jesus´s traces.However, only until the moment when they start to get acquainted with the life and places of our Saviour… They went through Israel, Alfa until they ended up in Jesus´s heart

It´s March 2008.Vlasta and Dušan, among many others, set out on the pilgrimage, which is organized by the married couple Šimordovi, to the Holy Land following Jesus´s traces.The married couple are pensioners, both of them graduates.She is a teacher and he is a geologist.


Travelling round the world is their hobby, they´ve been almost to every place in the world but they haven´t visited Israel yet.And so they are the only ones among the other pilgrims who aren´t interested in Jesus´s traces.However, only until the moment when they start to get acquainted with the life and places of our Saviour.The pilgrimage ends but it´s the amazing beginning of the new search for them.


It´s March again but this time 2009.Vlasta and Dušan are coming for the introductory meetingof the course ALFA and then every week until June they are the staunchest participants of these meetings.They get acquainted with the basic truths of faith in the lounge of the restaurant Central in Kroměříž on Wendesdays.When on a Saturday in March at the weekend meeting ALFA in the convent of  Sisters of the Holy Cross they´ve been brought to the decision that they´d liked to surrender their lives to Jesus and then Jesus himself „explains“ them in the Holy Spirit in the heart what it means to be born from the Holy Spirit and they´ve experienced his Love, both of them understands what it means to have the personal relationship with God.The decision has been taken, there´s no way back.Both of them are longing to receive sacraments.


It´s Sunday, July 19, 2009.Dušan and Vlasta receive the sacrament of baptism and matrimony in the church of Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Holešov in the presence of their children, grandchildren and mum.After almost fourty years of their common life they stand together before the altar and experience the most beautiful days of their life – according to their own words.


At the very beginning there was an inconspicuous activity – an invitation for the pilgrimage to Israel.God´s Kingdom is among us.It´s necessary to do a little bit so that it can come into our hearts.Everyone according to their vocations.Don´t withdraw into yourselves but if you are unable to bear wittness to your faith energetically, bring people to those places where the others bear wittness to the faith.For example, to the next round of the courses ALFA that would probably start again in CENTRALA at the end of September.The Lord didn´t tell us:“Stand“ or „Sit“ - The Lord told us:“RUN“


Vlasta and Dušan Maceškovi, July 2009



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