
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5,11-12

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

Evidence | Catholic witness

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převzato od P.Eliase Velly

I didn´t know I needed the conversion

převzato od P.Eliase Velly

I preached, carried out my priesthood duties diligently.And like this I supposed I was with Him.It has never crossed my mind that I needed to be fully converted.They started to pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon me.However, I thought I had it all.But I didn´t have anything.I spoke about the Spirit but I haven´t encountered the Spirit yet. I taught about Christ but I haven´t really met Christ. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1260x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 24337x od 06. 02. 2011.

Společenství pro Ježíše

The priest – exorcist.I can´t live without Medjugoria

Společenství pro Ježíše

I understood she was possessed and the demon influenced us very strongly through her. I asked five pious parishers to pray during my ritual of exorcism over? this person.And while I was reading the usual and traditional prayers of exorcism, Satan mocked at me.He spoke English.He degraded me and ridiculed me. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1436x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 41494x od 04. 08. 2010.

Ludvík Šojdr

Satan – stark naked

Ludvík Šojdr

During this experience I realized that this is just the situation that Satan or his servants demons don´t wish to happen at all.That in fact he´s recognized.That the whole disgust, of which he is the carrier, is completely uncovered before all the present people. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1983x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 42993x od 14. 03. 2010.

Markéta Herková

He was shining like the sun!

Markéta Herková

On that evening I lay down to my brother´s bed, was awake, was lying on my back and looking at the dark ceiling.I was pretty down in the dumps.I remember communicating mentally with someone but don´t know anymore what it was about.I remember telling someone ( I didn´t believe in Jesus ) :”Reveal yourself to me.!” At that moment a beautiful and dazzlingly shining figure appeared above me…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1371x, currently 3.16 points, displayed 24497x od 05. 02. 2010.

Branislav Talaj

Back to the Catholic Church

Branislav Talaj

We talked about everything and I didn`t even told my beloved wife about it but the John`s chapter 6 persuaded me.I`ve already known it before but nowdays thanks to the Holy Spirit I found out for certain that it said about the real Lord`s Flesh and Blood – Eucharist.And I began working on going back to my motherly Church… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1125x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 19410x od 16. 09. 2009.

Lukáš  Chytil

I met my true mummy

Lukáš Chytil

The Heavenly Father has plans which come up very unexpectedly.But this moment bears fruit for all your life, fruit that is so nice and tasty like the first touch and the word I love you that is recorded not only by your ears but by all your heart which fills with blissful and beautiful feeling.This beauty´ll dissolve and settle somewhere inside us.And it lasts in the same way as God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit last.Forever…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1255x, currently 3.05 points, displayed 21396x od 30. 11. 2008.

Donald   Calloway

I was a hopeless case

Donald Calloway

Every night I slept with a different chick and I got all the immaginable experiences of the sinnful life.I ran away from home and my friend and I started committing grave crimes.We stole motorbikes and cars, enormous sums of money during the bank hold-ups and we even became mixed up with the Japanese mafia´s intrigues. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1541x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 22901x od 06. 09. 2008.

Richard Čanaky

The real meaning of life

Richard Čanaky

The music didn´t become my hideout but something like a terrace, a roof from which I can cry and speak about what God´s done for me.I know Christianity isn´t a rose fairy story but the true reality that is worth living. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1267x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 31077x od 17. 11. 2007.

Radovan Lukavský

The master of the nice word

Radovan Lukavský

I´ve never doubted about God.The faith was natural for me.It was what was of paramount importance in my life.Joy, order and conviction that God is with me. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1104x, currently 3.01 points, displayed 17795x od 21. 05. 2007.

God´s healing at P.Pio´s intercession

Ludmila Žeravíková

I announce and at the same time I believe that my case concerns the supernatural God´s intervention that had been carried out by P.Pio´s intercession which I also confirm veracity of the statement of senior consultant Matras from Vienna, which I also put my own signature to.Ludmila Žeravíková Zlín. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1271x, currently 2.96 points, displayed 39470x od 29. 11. 2005.

Iveta Chmelařová

Through the course Alfa towards Jesus

Iveta Chmelařová

I worked out my own horoscope, was able to find out according to my name and date of birth what my life´d be like.I was mesmerized by fortune-telling from cards.Everything was logical and peaces of the puzzle fitted into each other.I wasn´t absolutely aware of how terrible those things are… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2269x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 49256x od 22. 06. 2005.


Jesus helped me to be admitted to the conservatoire


I was unhappy and one day before the exams something snapped in me.I was thinking of not taking part in the exams but I didn´t stop believing in the Lord Jesus. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1091x, currently 2.95 points, displayed 17750x od 26. 03. 2003.

Božena Orlovská

I´m the happiest woman in the world with Jesus

Božena Orlovská

The Holy Spirit´d brought about all these things and he came into my life in fullness when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and asked Him to be my Lord.My soul started to abound with peace that the world doesn´t know read the whole testimony »

Valuated 997x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 15215x od 21. 03. 2003.

Olga Tomaštíková

I´ve received the gift of prayers in tongues

Olga Tomaštíková

The course Filip enabled me to experience the moments of close proximity to God and to the Holy Spirit.I was also given the grace of receiving the gift of prayers in tongues… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1169x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 26326x od 03. 02. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

I disliked going to confession

Pavla Genzerová

It was always an unpleasant duty for me.So, I often extended the intervals between each confession and was always happy when it was behind me….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 850x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 18332x od 22. 01. 2003.

Blanka Pilátová

Surprised by the healing

Blanka Pilátová

….I´ve continued being in great pain for half a year.I could walk only sometimes and wasn´t able to raise my right hand.I´ve also had difficulty in breathing and my neck was stiff.The doctors found blocades in my muscles and in addition to that, after the long treatment there were other blocades in other parts of my body… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1041x, currently 2.98 points, displayed 16505x od 11. 01. 2003.

Pavel Tříletý

It´s better to encounter living Jesus

Pavel Tříletý

…I´ve been brought up in faith since my childhood but my faith wasn´t very firm…….this year I´ve taken part in the course Jonathan where I experienced the real encounter with Jesus… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1240x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 22046x od 11. 01. 2003.

Zdenka Nováková

God takes care of us

Zdenka Nováková

…..I can hardly describe how much strength I´d always drawn.I only wondered in the evening what I´d managed to do.Rest assured that without God´s blessing our efforts are useless….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1112x, currently 2.91 points, displayed 17851x od 11. 01. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

God´s waiting for your permission

Pavla Genzerová

…Here I offered all my life to God and He lit up the little light within me that´d hardly shone…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1256x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 21669x od 04. 01. 2003.

I experienced the indescribable GOD´S LOVE

Marie Číčalová

I´ve been given the biggest present there.I experienced GOD´S LOVE in my heart.So tender, profound,infinite and forgiving LOVE…… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1179x, currently 3.04 points, displayed 17864x od 21. 12. 2002.

Jana Kameníková

After the death of our son

Jana Kameníková

….I´ve never heard and experienced so strongly the praises in tongues and the presence of the Holy Spirit.The enormous joy´s remained in my heart. Nowdays I read the Scripture every day and suddenly I perceive the people around me in a different way…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 861x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 20896x od 21. 12. 2002.

Bohumila Hudečková

Jesus was among us

Bohumila Hudečková

…. Mentally I´m still living in this splendid congregation where we enjoyed ourselves because there was Jesus Christ among us… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1604x, currently 3 points, displayed 27592x od 21. 12. 2002.

My faith was half-hearted

Ivana Holíková

….I read heard prayed but it wasn`t it.It went past me.It wasn`t sincere…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1202x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 23407x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marcela Vašíčková

God touched me so much that I burst into tears

Marcela Vašíčková

Then for some time I was searching lots of answers to the questions but the greatest experience that Jesus is living is linked with the film….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 972x, currently 3.15 points, displayed 19536x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marie Utíkalová

Finally, I´ve found Jesus

Marie Utíkalová

…my conversion didn´t happen from day to day but it was a long process that haven´t finished yet.God is able to use any material to make its instrument out of it… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1064x, currently 3.04 points, displayed 15274x od 21. 12. 2002.

Marie Foltýnková

I was deaf but I can hear

Marie Foltýnková

…..Here I got to know God in Holy Spirit who poured these feelings into my heart that I´d never experienced before.I´ve made a new start in life because I was propelled by love, God´s mercy and joy of my own salvation. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1506x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 21259x od 21. 12. 2002.

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