
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5,11-12

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Pavla Genzerová


Pavla Genzerová

God´s taken a heavy load off my mind

Pavla Genzerová

The doctors suspect there is a bulge in one place of my cerebral blood vessel.The rupture of this bulge and haemorrhage are imminent and they could put my life at risk.I´m 38 and I´ve got three children. “Lord, be with me and hold me!Without You I´m not going any further.I don´t mean to plan my life anymore because I know I´ll never be happy in this way.I´ve already… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1140x, currently 2.89298 points, displayed 18443x od 10. 06. 2008.

Pavla Genzerová

God helped me in the maternity clinic

Pavla Genzerová

…I asked God to help my Johnny thrive.God was silent and I went through the stations of the Cross every day.I had enough of that one evening and I revolted against God.I asked him whether he liked my anguish – why didn´t he help me?. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1221x, currently 3.0688 points, displayed 18701x od 25. 05. 2005.

Pavla Genzerová

God´s healed me of despair

Pavla Genzerová

…My problems´ve completely filled up my heart and mind and I´ve stopped perceiving God although I prayed to Him every day.As if God´d ceased existing.All of a sudden I was feeling terribly alone. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1210x, currently 2.93306 points, displayed 21534x od 22. 01. 2004.

Pavla Genzerová

The path to God´s closeness

Pavla Genzerová

I want to encourage all of You who´d like to enter into the close relationship with God but you simply don´t know how.Actually, it was also my problem… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1311x, currently 2.92677 points, displayed 19150x od 11. 02. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

I disliked going to confession

Pavla Genzerová

It was always an unpleasant duty for me.So, I often extended the intervals between each confession and was always happy when it was behind me….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 850x, currently 2.92471 points, displayed 18336x od 22. 01. 2003.

Pavla Genzerová

God´s waiting for your permission

Pavla Genzerová

…Here I offered all my life to God and He lit up the little light within me that´d hardly shone…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1257x, currently 2.92601 points, displayed 21677x od 04. 01. 2003.
