
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5,11-12

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Jana Kameníková


Jana Kameníková

The tithe again?

Jana Kameníková

There was a sign on the door – Sales of winter clothes 80% discount.This time I`ve bought the coat from the money that`d been left and the prize was very fair.I simply mean that if you share with God it`s never disadvantageous to us.I think it`s rather rewarding… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1092x, currently 2.87637 points, displayed 19765x od 12. 03. 2004.

Jana Kameníková

After the death of our son

Jana Kameníková

….I´ve never heard and experienced so strongly the praises in tongues and the presence of the Holy Spirit.The enormous joy´s remained in my heart. Nowdays I read the Scripture every day and suddenly I perceive the people around me in a different way…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 862x, currently 2.88051 points, displayed 20903x od 21. 12. 2002.
