
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10,10

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The tithe again?

Jana Kameníková

There was a sign on the door – Sales of winter clothes 80% discount.This time I`ve bought the coat from the money that`d been left and the prize was very fair.I simply mean that if you share with God it`s never disadvantageous to us.I think it`s rather rewarding… The tithe again?
So I went through Ludvik`s testimony called Postscript to the tithe and I thought about it.I was trying to recall everything that had been before our giving the tithes.Dalibor touched on it in the penultimate issue of Brana and I`d like to finish it now.
I think the biggest problem of the majority of Christians is that they don`t consider the tithe as a certain duty of love for God – Father.After all, we have everything from his hands.At the very beginning it was after our return to the church but before the personal encounter with Christ we considered the tithe – as well as many others – to be sort of contribution to the church but we didn`t see its right depth and sense.The tithe = the tenth of everything.
My husband Dalibor was from the family where all the expenditures were carefully considered  ( what where and how much they should give ) and as for me I liked shopping and that`s why I was sometimes a big squandorer.
God gradually changed these characteristics.We contributed to the parish, church, missions, leprous people (LL)….but it wasn`t still a tithe
There was a change after the course Filip and Renewal in the Holy Spirit (1999-2000) when God started revealing his heart full of love and mercy.I think I won`t lie if I tell you that we didn`t give the tithe because of the yearning for the spiritual or material blessing ( it didn`t even come into our minds ) but suddenly we could feel that God`d given to us all that he`d had ( the most precious and best thing = his Son ) and we were unable to give him the little that had been his property.Suddenly, it was obvious to us that it should have been the present for the loving Father.However, it should have been the present that we gave happily and not with twisted face and clenched teeth.- Here you are, have it…God loves the joyous donor!
I remember we were sitting that evening together.Children were sleeping and Dalibor started counting what we`d given to God and found out that there were plenty of things that we hadn`t given to God and that we owed him.Nonetheless, it was only the beginning.I don`t claim everything was immediately clear but in the course of time it ripened.I must admit that since that day in which we decided to give the tithe until now we haven`t suffered deprivation.We don`t live in affluence or in the poverty.In 1999 we read in the magazine “Immaculata” about the possibility of child sponsorship and so the boy Vianey Nshimiyimane from Rwanda is also the member of our family.
I´ll encourage you by telling you one personal experience ( there are many of them but I´ll tell you only one ).
God takes care of the trifle small things that ( you could say ) are unnecessary for the run-of-the-mill life.Once I wanted to buy a new coat.It was nice with fur collar but I found it too expensive although I`d put away approximately the same sum.Several times I went to that shop but didn`t buy the coat.At that time on Sunday there was a programme called Christian magazine about the Ukraine.Father Krenicky spoke there ( once he visited Hodonin and spoke about the life in the Ukraine).In that film he spoke about the boy who needed money so that he could live.However, there weren`t any funds for that operation.I won`t expend on it.I gave the part of my saved money.After some time I walked past that shop with coats. There was a sign on the door – Sale of winter clothes 80% discount.This time I`ve bought the coat from the money that`d been left and the price was very fair.I simply mean that if you share with God it`s never disadvantageous to us.I think it`s rather rewarding.
We can even help someone with it ( the necessary amount for the operation was collected and the boy could be operated and God helped me by satisfying my “unnecessary” need ).
I didn`t want it to sound like flaunting something that you didn`t take credit for.
As the apostle Paul says:”I can only boast of my own weaknesses” but I want to encourage you and confirm that when you once say your “yes” to God he has the power to change ( our heart and view ).                                                               


 Jana Kamenikova Hodonin February 2004

And a few more God`s promises and recommendations.
God`s promises
Prover. 3, 9-10
Prover 11, 24-25
Sir 35, 9-10
Sir 35, 7-10
God`s recommendations
Prover.3, 27-28
Mich. 6, 8

Tob.4, 5-11


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