
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
1 John 5,19

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

Evidence | Slovak

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Branislav Talaj

The strength of the intercession prayer

Branislav Talaj

I haven´t prayed to the saints much – I haven´t asked them for the intercession but nowdays I´ve had a try at it because I´ve been really in a tight corner.Don´t be surprised! Such things occured that I hesitated for a moment if I wouldn´t retaliate by bringing an action against „those dogs in the manger“. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1114x, currently 3.04 points, displayed 18621x od 25. 09. 2009.

Branislav Talaj

Back to the Catholic Church

Branislav Talaj

We talked about everything and I didn`t even told my beloved wife about it but the John`s chapter 6 persuaded me.I`ve already known it before but nowdays thanks to the Holy Spirit I found out for certain that it said about the real Lord`s Flesh and Blood – Eucharist.And I began working on going back to my motherly Church… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1125x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 19410x od 16. 09. 2009.

gabriela  sykorova hyllova

My life

gabriela sykorova hyllova

One day I told God: “I don´t know if my smoking is a bad thing, but if you don´t like it take it away from me, please.I can´t manage it by myself.I stopped smoking from day to day…..without going cold turkey, without putting on weight….miraculously. My life became miraculous because I knew there was Someone standing by me who´d loved me unconditionally and protected me.I experienced a few healings, for instance when…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1291x, currently 3.03 points, displayed 21701x od 26. 01. 2009.

Tinka Hyllova

From anarchy to agape

Tinka Hyllova

I was waiting for the Lord.When I entered the water, I felt a nice stroke and the sun was shining right at me.It was so marvellous…There were so many things that weren´t solved in my life.The piercing in my nose and mouth.I made it by myself as a protest against my parents when I was fifteen.I also pierced my eyebrows and navel.When I went home I always took these piercings away so that my parents shouldn´t see them. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1488x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 23283x od 25. 01. 2009.

Donald   Calloway

I was a hopeless case

Donald Calloway

Every night I slept with a different chick and I got all the immaginable experiences of the sinnful life.I ran away from home and my friend and I started committing grave crimes.We stole motorbikes and cars, enormous sums of money during the bank hold-ups and we even became mixed up with the Japanese mafia´s intrigues. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1541x, currently 2.94 points, displayed 22901x od 06. 09. 2008.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Surrendering my life to Jesus

Štefan Patrik Kováč

But I know that in this world of rivalry and envy where lots of people idolize their bodies or money and are ready to cheat you because of their profit, in this world full of utterly irresponsible behaviour – remember this sentence – I know that to live without Christ is dangerous, very dangerous! read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1163x, currently 2.97 points, displayed 17725x od 15. 04. 2008.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Two ways and the struggle for my soul

Štefan Patrik Kováč

You´re in the army and the enemy is prepared – and you?Let him not take you by surprise.How can you fight in the best way? That you die first and you´ll let Christ Commander and King fight within you.Then you can´t loose.You can loose single battles when you aren´t perfect but the final victory is yours.However, it´s an everyday dying to yourself and getting up with Jesus. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1236x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 17297x od 03. 12. 2007.

Richard Čanaky

The real meaning of life

Richard Čanaky

The music didn´t become my hideout but something like a terrace, a roof from which I can cry and speak about what God´s done for me.I know Christianity isn´t a rose fairy story but the true reality that is worth living. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1267x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 31077x od 17. 11. 2007.

Stanislav Macák

From Buddha to Jesus

Stanislav Macák

And then it happened.I don´t know how but out of the blue some flame came down to the flame of the candle and it was enormous.It was about fifty cm tall, approximately two or three cm broad…..This flame covered all the candle.I was scared out of my wits because the flame went with some roar….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1246x, currently 2.92 points, displayed 19969x od 30. 08. 2007.

MUDr. Emília Vlčková

The testimony of the former homoeopath

MUDr. Emília Vlčková

The trainers are using pseudoscientific formulations….the vital energy….The doctors who absorb the homoeopathy, Chinese medicine, and things like that can easily get into the snares the of occultism.They gradually change their views they can´t so easily free themselves from …. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 2134x, currently 3.18 points, displayed 43320x od 07. 08. 2007.

Vlaďa Hrušková

I used to be a drug addict

Vlaďa Hrušková

I often reproached God blasphemously for having created me and then left me at the mercy of my own imperfection and human silliness.I found my true personality in anarchism and punk lyrics.“Why search for the truth when there is just the only one and that is the fact that there is no truth at all!“ it was the motto of my painful life read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1288x, currently 2.93 points, displayed 22884x od 06. 04. 2007.

Martin Kapko

Fear of death has turned into the joy of the eternal life

Martin Kapko

At that moment He himself appeared.I´ve seen Jesus as the light in the darkness.He was full of peace and kindness.He himself amswered my question:“Believe in me and you´ll have eternal life. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1251x, currently 3.08 points, displayed 18196x od 18. 12. 2003.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

The greatness of God´s love

Štefan Patrik Kováč

I´ve asked God for a long time to let me experience his real and live love.I didn´t want to doubt about it anymore but simply wanted to experience it.On that Sunday God let me experience his infinite love.Jesus told me these words… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1167x, currently 2.96 points, displayed 19366x od 30. 04. 2003.

Jaroslav Jaroslav

Jesus´s made the first move toward me

Jaroslav Jaroslav

….Erotic movies.I often looked forward to watching Tv undisturbed by my mummy who worked as a doctor on night shift…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1178x, currently 2.89 points, displayed 17868x od 04. 01. 2003.

Jana Kanitrová

I was thinking of the suicide

Jana Kanitrová

….And so, I slowly began to talk about how Jesus had changed my life that was exactly identical to their lives… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1195x, currently 2.88 points, displayed 16532x od 04. 01. 2003.

Gabriela Stenchláková

The light shone in my heart

Gabriela Stenchláková

…..On 1-4-1991 a light shone in my heart.It was the light of knowledge about the meaning of life that only God gives. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1113x, currently 2.86 points, displayed 15652x od 04. 01. 2003.

Helena Slováková

God wants us even with our vices that we have

Helena Slováková

Jesus is able to transform evil into good. He´s created us with our points that we think to be weak ( St.Augustin ) read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1469x, currently 3.02 points, displayed 21601x od 21. 12. 2002.

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