
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
1 John 4,8-9

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Stanislav Macák


Stanislav Macák

From Buddha to Jesus

Stanislav Macák

And then it happened.I don´t know how but out of the blue some flame came down to the flame of the candle and it was enormous.It was about fifty cm tall, approximately two or three cm broad…..This flame covered all the candle.I was scared out of my wits because the flame went with some roar….. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1246x, currently 2.92456 points, displayed 19971x od 30. 08. 2007.

Stanislav Macák

The liberation

Stanislav Macák

The devil walked around me, woke me by horrific dreams at three a.m.which stopped after the confession.Since then my recovery´d taken more than seven months.Finally I managed to get rid of him ( April 2004 ). read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1306x, currently 3.049 points, displayed 22886x od 28. 02. 2006.
