
And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Luke 16,31

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Štefan Patrik Kováč


Štefan Patrik Kováč

Surrendering my life to Jesus

Štefan Patrik Kováč

But I know that in this world of rivalry and envy where lots of people idolize their bodies or money and are ready to cheat you because of their profit, in this world full of utterly irresponsible behaviour – remember this sentence – I know that to live without Christ is dangerous, very dangerous! read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1163x, currently 2.96905 points, displayed 17728x od 15. 04. 2008.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

Two ways and the struggle for my soul

Štefan Patrik Kováč

You´re in the army and the enemy is prepared – and you?Let him not take you by surprise.How can you fight in the best way? That you die first and you´ll let Christ Commander and King fight within you.Then you can´t loose.You can loose single battles when you aren´t perfect but the final victory is yours.However, it´s an everyday dying to yourself and getting up with Jesus. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1236x, currently 2.93366 points, displayed 17300x od 03. 12. 2007.

Štefan Patrik Kováč

The greatness of God´s love

Štefan Patrik Kováč

I´ve asked God for a long time to let me experience his real and live love.I didn´t want to doubt about it anymore but simply wanted to experience it.On that Sunday God let me experience his infinite love.Jesus told me these words… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1168x, currently 2.96318 points, displayed 19369x od 30. 04. 2003.
