
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28,20

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Ludvík Šojdr


Ludvík Šojdr

Satan – stark naked

Ludvík Šojdr

During this experience I realized that this is just the situation that Satan or his servants demons don´t wish to happen at all.That in fact he´s recognized.That the whole disgust, of which he is the carrier, is completely uncovered before all the present people. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1973x, currently 3.02078 points, displayed 42974x od 14. 03. 2010.

Ludvík Šojdr

Even in politics God can do only what we allow him

Ludvík Šojdr

In a way politics concern me more than anyone else and that´s why I do care about how much room the only parliamentary Christian party in this country gives to God.So, I had a try at telling publicly my opinion and testimony to some members of KDU-CSL party before the pre-election congress in Vsetín…… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1309x, currently 3.14668 points, displayed 20555x od 01. 06. 2009.

Ludvík Šojdr

The desert and the temptation

Ludvík Šojdr

He´s repeatedly offered me a payment of one hundred thousand crowns if I turn a blind eye to his credit transactions during my real property valuations .Of course, it´d have been done in such a way that if something went wrong I´d be able to vindicate myself.There wasn´t any problem,mistake or fraud from my professional view.Nobody will ever hear that I´ve got my payment.Clean money.A hundred thousand.How often do you get such an offer? In addition, in such a difficult situation in which our off ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1304x, currently 2.95169 points, displayed 22664x od 14. 02. 2009.

Ludvík Šojdr

A few words to the tithe

Ludvík Šojdr

Neither Klaus nor Randorf nor Špidla are responsible for the situation around us.Neither the communists nor STB ( translator´s note: Intelligence Agency during the communist period ), nor unsuccessful privatization, nor the church property, which wasn´t returned, are to blame for.It´s only me who is to blame for if I haven´t told God with all my heart: “THY WILL BE DONE“. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1289x, currently 2.91854 points, displayed 27078x od 14. 03. 2004.

Ludvík Šojdr

The testimony of the tithe

Ludvík Šojdr

And if I were short of money again nowdays so in order to get out of this situation I´ll take one tenth of what I possess and I´ll go to give it to God. Loyally every month…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1269x, currently 3.00552 points, displayed 23406x od 07. 01. 2004.

Ludvík Šojdr

Prophetic contents of the billboard

Ludvík Šojdr

Jesus´telling me:“Why are you angry?This advert reflects the reality after all.This is the truth about the Czech nation. Pleasure´s becoming his god.They´re swapping me for some beer in their blindness.The life for pleasure. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1235x, currently 2.983 points, displayed 22721x od 15. 05. 2003.

Ludvík Šojdr

Jesus´s healed me

Ludvík Šojdr

... Jesus took away my back trouble once and for all, completely and definitely… read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1141x, currently 3.05872 points, displayed 35003x od 23. 12. 2002.


Ludvík Šojdr

Self-righteousness - the biggest problem of Christians as well

Ludvík Šojdr

There´s only one answer.The Pharisees didn´t need God.It was sufficient for them to observe “only” God´s laws, orders and commandments very meticulously….An odd answer, isn´t it.God wants it after all! Yeah, he does but in the second place! In the first place God wants me to allow him to control my heart…. read the whole article »

Valuated 4148x, currently 2.91369 points, displayed 38437x od 25. 11. 2007.

Ludvík Šojdr

The secret of the prosperity

Ludvík Šojdr

There´s the only common reason here why we don´t prosper in our lives, why we don´t live our lives in abundance, why we all the time miss something, why we grumble about our situation, why there´s rancour in our hearts, why we´re poor although everything belongs to us. read the whole article »

Valuated 4219x, currently 3.01588 points, displayed 37330x od 23. 09. 2004.

Ludvík Šojdr

The Chrismas message hidden inside the anthill

Ludvík Šojdr

….When nobody was able to find the answer, Jesus said:“It´s the only way to save them.To become an ant and to show them on one´s own example? what it means to live LOVE. read the whole article »

Valuated 4962x, currently 2.9734 points, displayed 40820x od 12. 12. 2003.

Ludvík Šojdr

And what does the Lord say to our YES for joining the E.U.?

Ludvík Šojdr

…Give us a king to lead us…And the LORD told Samuel: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.…. read the whole article »

Valuated 3360x, currently 2.97887 points, displayed 20025x od 25. 06. 2003.