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Where is your heart?
Anna Vavřinová
I took other people´s advice how to revive my faith but it was pointless.Only when I surrendered over to the hands of Jesus my life and the life of all those who were given to me the miracles started happening all at once.It ocurred on Palm Sunday in 1996 during my silent personal prayer.
But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.Lk 12,31
My parents lead me to follow Lord.I remember that as a child I was often amazed and very joyful when they told me about God´s creation work.It was either when my father guided me to admire the beauty of God´s countryside or when I first learnt the history of salvation during my religious education.When I married a young boy at the church who was raised in the similar circumstances I believed I was on the right track.Both of us were (traditional) believers and head over heels in love.We were fine in our own flat singing songs.We counted on each other.However, we didn´t pray nor went to church together.My joy and happiness quitely turned into sadness, tears, dissatisfaction and refusal.I always longed to follow the Lord and be of some help to my family and other people as well.Nevertheless, I didn´t manage to convince my husband.Conversely, two small children and his unwillingness to support us made me succumb to his way of life without Lord.I took other people´s advice how to revive my faith but it was pointless.Only when I surrendered over to the hands of Jesus my life and the life of all those who were given to me the miracles started happening all at once.It ocurred on Palm Sunday in 1996 during my silent personal prayer.
The Lord brought me immediately to the congregation of brothers and sisters that had just sprung into being and together we stepped forward on the road sunlit by the Holy Spirit.In this year we met the community of John the Baptist right in our city.Then, the Lord enabled us to meet the Community regularly every month.There were Masses with the prayer forhealing in our loved town Kroměříž where I´d been given loads of fantastic
brothers and sisters.I´d seen so many marvellous, terrific and difficult things that after seven years I could share with the others the experience about what was and is important in my life.
( Mk 4, 26-7 This is what the kingdom of God is like.A man scatters seed on the ground and night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he doesn´t know how) It´s neccessary to put God in the first place.( Lk 14,26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple.)It´s vital to believe the Lord´s calling receive gifts and let Jesus defeat the fear in your heart every day.
( Isaiah 43,1 Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine).In the beginning it wasn´t easy at all because I had to leave my adolescents who were in my charge so that I might attend the courses but the marital break- up was so deep that my husband couldn´t forbid me anything.The Lord gave an undeserved grace of the complete confidence in his presence and so, I left my family at home very often.
Then, it´s important to want to live according the word J 13,15 I´ve set you an example- you wish to put in practise those things that you´ve received in community.For instance, I couldn´t organize „the house of prayer“in my place and so, I had to go to various places where my friends organized it.Nowdays the sheep are coming to my place.It was also crucial to decide to watch my language
– not to grumble and praise God ( Salm 116 ) and proclaim the truth: I pray every day “Jesus is the Lord of my husband“.
The brothers and sisters in Community are the treasure for my heart.The Lord gave me the new song, joy, peace and promise for two children who are adults nowdays and for my husband.The Community is the gift of God that doesn´t have everyone.Isn´t our Lord marvellous? After all he made use of the Italian brothers so that one tiny sister from Morava might find the answer to the question J 1, 19 „Who are you?“
Anna Vavřínová, Kyjov 45 years old
Displayed 20570x od 02. 06. 2003
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