
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Isaiah 49,15

Read testimonies of people
who have a personal experience
with Jesus

members | Táňa Šebestová


Táňa Šebestová

Another daddy

Táňa Šebestová

Dear friends, I´d like to share with you how I came to believe in Jesus Christ and how He changed my life.Ever since I was a child I´d been growing up in the infant institute and then ended up at my parents but I went through bad times there – they quarrelled every day.My father beat my mother because she slept around with other men.We were also reduced to poverty and there was often nothing to eat. No wonder that the social welfare office took me away from my parents and since I was seven I´d ... read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1147x, currently 2.92415 points, displayed 18784x od 12. 06. 2003.

Táňa Šebestová

Freed from the bondage of alcohol

Táňa Šebestová

However, alcohol didn´t help me either.Finally I tried to commit suicide and with cold blood I stabbed the knife in my stomach.If it weren´t for my neighbour who called for help quickly I wouldn´t surely be here…. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1126x, currently 3.04174 points, displayed 19106x od 12. 06. 2003.

Táňa Šebestová

God´s home for a homeless person

Táňa Šebestová

The person who God created to his image lived like a mere animal and also behaved in this way.She was persecuted by people ( once they even poured petrol over her and wanted to set her on fire ) and that´s why she was rather distrustful and taciturn but she was very precious and loved for God. read the whole testimony »

Valuated 1120x, currently 3.01696 points, displayed 18993x od 11. 06. 2003.
