
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
1 Corinthians 15,20

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I felt their prayers and it gave me the inner peace

Pavel Tříletý

A doctor told me before the operation that I might go blind owing to the position of the tumour.However, this information didn´t perturb me because I could feel that plenty of people were praying for me, although they were far-away, I felt their prayers and it gave me the inner peace.... I felt their prayers and it gave me the inner peace

In 2005 I underwent a magnetic resonance procedure because of my headache.Soon I was told the diagnosis – 5 cm brain tumour.The doctor immediately fixed the day of operation at the military hospital in Prague.My friends from the Congregation and my family knew that the serious operation would await me.A doctor told me before the operation that I might go blind owing to the position of tumour.However, this information didn´t perturb me because I could feel that plenty of people were praying for me although they were far-away, I felt their prayers and it gave me the inner peace.

After the operation I came to myself but one eye was paralyzed.In addition, the medical report stated that I´d had the half body paralysis after the operation but then spontaneously it sorted itself out.I didn´t remember it.I believe God has protected me thanks to the prayers.I could be blind and have the half body paralysis but God heard me and granted my prayers.I´d like to encourage you by writing my experience to you – pray, pray pray.The sincere prayer to our loving God is very powerful.I´ve experienced it and bear wittness to it

Pavel Tříletý ( 29) Višnové, 2008.…………

Displayed 19313x od 22. 10. 2008
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