The Lord doesn´t persecute me to pin me down in my misery to but to get me out of it.Never ever is God the tormentor of the human conscience.Our past´s hidden in Christ´s heart and he´s already taken care of our future.Never ever is God the tormentor of the human conscience.Our past´s hidden in Christ´s heart and he´s already taken care of our future.
Roger Schulz
When the God´s glance arouses remorse and uneasiness within me, it´s necessary to reveal him your heart and to name very simply those things that my heart had produced.God´s glance will hurt and make me nervous only until I sincerely confess my sin.The Lord doesn´t persecute me to pin me down in my misery but to get me out of it.
If the remorse recurs, it´s important to know that this time it doesn´t come from God.It often originates from Pharisee super-ego that stifles completely the voice of the Holy Spirit and even passes off as it.It can be known from the fact that suppresses the human being because it knows only the justice but no mercy.Another time it´s the Devil´s temptation who leads us away from the faith in the God´s mercy and in God´s forgiveness.
At both cases it´s necessary not to be carried away by your feelings but to lean against God´s word that, for example, the apostle John expressed in this way:”If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It might be useful to repeat this or another God´s word several times, perhaps loudly so that God´s truth about the forgiveness could be really accepted and absorbed.
Why had the saint Francis and other saints of considerable stature been weeping over their previous sins for years? Is it possible to delete all your falls from the memory? Is it desirable?
Brother Efraim wrote about it:”Previous trespasses can arise in two ways: If they accuse you, drive them away by saying that nor God remember them.However, if they move your heart and reduce you to tears bless them because they throw you in the arms of mercy.”
Contrition of heart doesn´t exclude the faith in God´s mercy.The opposite is the case.It opens human heart wide to the God´s love.Nevertheless, humble heart is a totally different thing from the proud one that incessantly comtemplates their own darkness instead of the light of God´s love.
Talking about mercy with Kateřina Lachmanová, Carmelitan´s publishing house 2000
March 2007
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