
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 John 5,11-12

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Marek Eben and Zachaeus…

Marek Eben

Surely we´ll be small perhaps even smaller than Zacchaeus in God´s eyes.But to be on the safe side we´re still building the walls from our own property through which you can´t see.And sometimes it´s priceless for you to climb the tree and find out that God is walking around you… Marek Eben and Zachaeus…

„If you´ve been to church today you must know that the gospel about the superintendent of customs Zacchaeus has been read.Just for the record I note that it´s a story when Jesus comes to Jericho and the rich superintendent of customs Zacchaeus longs to see him but being of small build he climbs the tree.Jesus speaks to him, spends the night in his house and later Zacchaeus gives the half of his property to the poor.It seems to me that it´s a very symbolic reading for this evening.

Surely we´ll be small perhaps even smaller than Zacchaeus in God´s eyes.But to be on the safe side we´re still building the walls from our own property through which you can´t see.And sometimes it´s priceless for you to climb the tree and find out that God is walking around you and that when we distribute something from our property when we make the fence lower so we´ll see the essential things that are behind it much better.Those things that are eternal and everlasting.

So once again I welcome all of you who´ve climbed the tree of archdiocesan charity, the tree that´s growing pleasantly, is branching forth and bearing the good fruit.“


( it was borrowed with Marek´s kind permission from the article of Catholic weekly number 48 that treated the concert which had been held by archdiocesan charity in Smetana hall of municipal house on November 1st, 2004.)



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