
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Isaiah 49,15

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The gathering of the fallen angels

přišlo mailem

The gathering´s finished.With impatience, demons were gone to carry out their tasks and cause the Christians all over the world to scramble for building up organizations and projects.So that they wouldn´t have any time for God, family and in short, for nothing…. read the whole article »

Valuated 6558x, currently 3.0064 points, displayed 77745x od 02. 08. 2003.

Twins in the mum´s tummy

přišlo mailem

….A small sceptic´s “nagging“ :“Do you really believe in the life after the delivery?“ A small believer:“Yeah, I do.It stands to reason that there´s a life after the delivery.We´re staying here only to grow and to prepare for the life after the delivery.To be ready for what´s in store for us. read the whole article »

Valuated 4884x, currently 3.01822 points, displayed 54665x od 21. 12. 2002.